Providing a COVID-19 vaccination opportunity for homebound individuals has not been a high priority for local health departments.
In order to prioritize the need for a homebound vaccination program, local health authorities must realize the urgency. Most of these departments have staff available to the public on Covid-19. Informing them of your needs is a great place to start.
News media, including print and television news, can be very helpful for you and your situation.
Contacting local television news or newspapers to alert them of this urgent need will often lead to spreading the message, and can create positive results when they question local authorities.
At any moment in this process, you may want local support. Reaching out for the help of others offers moral support, and can also create power in numbers. Circulating a petition, creating a webpage or social media post, to inform the need for a mobile vaccination option will nurture change where you live.
Everything considered this mission requires patience and kindness. This entire pandemic has frayed nerves. To accomplish the task of helping the homebound, let’s focus on being the voice for those that have limited or no ability to speak for themselves.
(photo is pre-pandemic)
Kathy is a retired registered nurse. Her nursing experiences mostly focused on caring and advocating for adults. As a compassionate people person, she found great satisfaction in the nursing profession. Kathy delights in answering the call of those with medical questions and needs.